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  • Banned, again, for "hacking"




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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:46 am

    Banned, again, for "hacking"

    So, once again, I was banned for doing nothing else but owning people. I'm number 1 on Flem's, and number 2 on Squidward's, so you think I'd be getting the benefit of the doubt now. I'm pretty sure my success here is the reason I've been targeted for this crap. T3, I would appreciate you talking to Monitor, Jessica, Nemesis, Vidar, YoBama or anyone else good enough to know that I'm not hacking, and reverse this ban. I did not appreciate being banned for the full 5 days unjustly the last time I was targeted for this bs.

    I received no warning, and was just banned for killing a lot. I don't even know who banned me, as I did not get a warning, or any trash talk directed at me, as I've grown to expect. I assume it was KOD Aaron the Baron, just because he was pretty much the only person from KOD or TKC who was on.

    While were on this topic, why do KOD people have admin priviledges on TKC servers? They seem to be the people who are misusing their powers, and it makes TKC look bad.
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    Last edited by Deathstro on Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:06 am, edited 2 times in total.



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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:03 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Aaron did say "DEATHSTRO STOP HACKING" after I killed him while he was standing completely still on one of the towers with 1 of 6(i missed a bunch) shells from a magnum, and then killed him again right afterwards. This was about 5-10 minutes before I got banned, so I didn't immediately think he was serious. There's no reason to think from what I did that I was hacking. Probably 50% of the people who play on these servers could've killed him there. I had assumed he was joking, but guess not.

    I think you guys should do something about this. It seems like people are constantly being banned for no reason on your servers. Its because too many people have admin priviledges. I would suggest reserving full admin privs for a small group of active, skilled, older(not in high school) players who will: 1) be good enough to tell when someone is really hacking, and 2) be mature enough not to ban people for killing them, not being in their clan, or whatever other petty reason comes up. If theres a real problem, these people could be messaged. This is generally what I've seen on other servers, and I've never played on a server that has this problem.

    I've been playing this game a long time, and I've only seen one person hack ever, for one round. Its really, very very uncommon. However, people are constantly accusing each other on your servers of cheating, and the way certain admins act only encourages this and creates a crappy gaming environment.
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    Last edited by Deathstro on Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:00 am, edited 2 times in total.


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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 4:44 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    I've unbanned you.

    To the admin, if you're going to ban for cheating, we require a demo. No demo, no ban.
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:48 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Thank you T3.
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:11 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    T3 Ballzach caught him and he is sending me the demos of them.
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:58 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Ha is all I have to say. Ballzack and I don't get along, so I'd keep that in mind. Please post what he sent you asap; I'd be interested to see my own highlight reel. The fact of the matter is, I don't believe that Ballsack even believes I'm hacking. He's a poor sport, plain and simple, and he's either a complete noob or is trying to deceive you guys because he doesn't like me. They invited me to join KOD and I declined, and it came up during a round, and I flat out told the entire server that I wouldnt join their clan because of the way ballzack conducts himself, with sack present. There weren't many non KOD players present, but I'm sure he was pissed. Would they have invited me to join their clan if they really thought I was a hacker? This is just sour grapes.

    That being said, Ballzack didn't "catch" me doing anything except being a badass, because I don't cheat. This is really getting old. I really wish some of the people who I play with here who have integrity would back me up on this. Everyone who has a decent amount of skill can tell that I'm not hacking. I know this, because I can tell when people are hacking. The time I mentioned in a previous post that I played with someone who was using aimbot, the second you entered their field of view, regardless of how much cover or how you sneaked up to the hacker, he would whip around and shoot you. It wasn't like exchanging shots over a large distance and eventually he'd get me, or someone entrenched in the garage tunnels headshotting people who run by, which is a pretty easy shot really.

    I am very good with the magnum, but I was just playing a round when Aaron and a couple of other players were talking about how they knew players who were even better, and I know a few myself. I hope when you see the videos, assuming he hasn't compiled some spliced bs or something that isnt me playing, you will put a stop to this, because its complete crap that I have to put up with this continuously.
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    Last edited by Deathstro on Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 6:48 pm

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    t3 Where are you YOu havent been on in ever messge me when you get on.
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:48 pm

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Well once again Deathstro, your mature arrogant cordial self comes shining through slinging insults....or should I call you Deathblow instead, because your venom post here is just blowing hot air from a guilty conscience.
    Fact of the matter is, I am a mature adult who's been participating in the HL2 community & Mods as a player and Beta tester since 2004. Seen the likes of you along the way, and for you to say that hacking is uncommon just points to your ignorance.
    In response to your accusation of Aaron being the one who banned you and KoD members being bad admins, I am the one and only Admin from KoD, nobody else. I am more than qualified to spec and determine if a player is possibly hacking. I was kindly asked to help with my input and experience, and will continue to consult for TKC as long as they would like. I am not the only qualified player who believes your in question, I just so happened to take the lead on this one.....and we all know your smart enough to not hack when I'm in spec, so we've had someone else record you. Oddly enough, that someone is who you asked T3 to check
    with and see if your legit. For you the evidence speaks for itself in the demo, and I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you on a forum of whether you aimbot and wall hack......I'll let the other TKC members and Valve decide for themselves.

    Let's clear the air here, and I'll respond to a few of your snide comments:

    "It seems like people are constantly being banned for no reason on your servers."
    - I have the lowest ban rate on the server, because I take the time to gather the facts, talk with players, and give them second chances. When I asked you how you were headshotting thru walls, you immediately gave me a ration of shit after I kindly asked you a few questions.

    "I've been playing this game a long time, and I've only seen one person hack ever, for one round. Its really, very very uncommon."
    - Really?, have you seen the Valve ban listing? I think you need to re-evaluate that and do some research. Making this kind of uninformed statement in regards to hacking just makes you look even more guilty.

    "The fact of the matter is, I don't believe that Ballsack even believes I'm hacking. He's a poor sport, plain and simple, and he's either a complete noob or is trying to deceive you guys because he doesn't like me."
    - The answer here is simple, my stats speak for themselves (without hacking), and I'm an honest guy who doesn't believe in deceiving people - look in the mirror. Qualified players have verified your actions with their own opinions, but most can't be bothered dealing with your attitude. Something you wouldn't know.

    "The time I mentioned in a previous post that I played with someone who was using aimbot, the second you entered their field of view, regardless of how much cover or how you sneaked up to the hacker, he would whip around and shoot you."
    -Who was the player using an aimbot that you played with? Did you get his steam id? How would you know he was using an aimbot? Whiping around and shooting is not exactly how an aimbot works.

    "I was just playing a round when Aaron and a couple of other players were talking about how they knew players who were even better, and I know a few myself."
    -You do? According to you, "I was banned for doing nothing else but owning people. I'm number 1 on Flem's, and number 2 on Squidward's". A little full of yourself, aren't you? Of course they may be reasoning for that.

    "I hope when you see the videos, assuming he hasn't compiled some spliced bs or something that isnt me playing, you will put a stop to this, because its complete crap that I have to put up with this continuously."
    -Thats a GREAT DEFLECTION on your part to insinuate that I am somehow doctoring the footage to escape any wrongdoing before the evidence is presented. Are you an attorney?

    Have a great day!
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:54 pm

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Do you know how to upload the demo to sourcebans?
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:00 pm

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    "I am not the only qualified player who believes your in question, I just so happened to take the lead on this one.....and we all know your smart enough to not hack when I'm in spec, so we've had someone else record you. Oddly enough, that someone is who you asked T3 to check
    with and see if your legit. For you the evidence speaks for itself in the demo, and I'm not going to get into a pissing contest with you on a forum of whether you aimbot and wall hack......I'll let the other TKC members and Valve decide for themselves. "

    You're obviously not as qualified as you think, and neither are those other players, because I don't hack or cheat. This is a fact. Obviously, I can't convince you of this as you're pursuing some vendetta against me, but its the truth. Good people know the sound of truth when they hear it, and I want you to post your demos asap. I expect them to show me owning people. Tons of people know I dont hack. If I misjudged someone I listed previously, ask other people. I'm pretty sure happy pants knows I dont hack, or carnage, BA baxter,etc. The only people who say I hack or people who I kill over and over, which I don't usually reply to, but you're being too persistant.

    Let's clear the air here, and I'll respond to a few of your snide comments:

    "It seems like people are constantly being banned for no reason on your servers."
    - I have the lowest ban rate on the server, because I take the time to gather the facts, talk with players, and give them second chances. When I asked you how you were headshotting thru walls, you immediately gave me a ration of shit after I kindly asked you a few questions.

    You've never said anything to me that could be interpreted as "kindly." And youre constantly targeting me with bs like this, and I don't hack, so I stand by this statement. I'm making "snide" comments because I'm outraged, and rightly so, and having to put up with this. Its an affront to my integrity, and the injustice being perpretrated here is disgusting.

    "I've been playing this game a long time, and I've only seen one person hack ever, for one round. Its really, very very uncommon."
    - Really?, have you seen the Valve ban listing? I think you need to re-evaluate that and do some research. Making this kind of uninformed statement in regards to hacking just makes you look even more guilty.

    This was a statement from my own experiences, and I stand by it. I still have yet to see someone hack on your server, and the one time I mentioned was on my home server out of thousands of rounds. If they are hacking in such a way that it won't show in their gameplay, I have no way of knowing or detecting this.

    "The fact of the matter is, I don't believe that Ballsack even believes I'm hacking. He's a poor sport, plain and simple, and he's either a complete noob or is trying to deceive you guys because he doesn't like me."
    - The answer here is simple, my stats speak for themselves (without hacking), and I'm an honest guy who doesn't believe in deceiving people - look in the mirror. Qualified players have verified your actions with their own opinions, but most can't be bothered dealing with your attitude. Something you wouldn't know.

    Once again, youre just simply wrong. If you're not dishonest, youre the kind of person who makes innaccurate accusations. I'll let you decide what that makes you. I would suggest unwise and immature. You should check my stats if thats what youre using as evidence, because an accuracy of 27-33% is not exactly indicative of hacking. And obviously, you can be bothered with dealing with my attitude, because here you are replying. You need to ask yourself how you would feel if you were being acccused of something constantly that you were innocent of, and what your reaction would be.

    "The time I mentioned in a previous post that I played with someone who was using aimbot, the second you entered their field of view, regardless of how much cover or how you sneaked up to the hacker, he would whip around and shoot you."
    -Who was the player using an aimbot that you played with? Did you get his steam id? How would you know he was using an aimbot? Whiping around and shooting is not exactly how an aimbot works.

    I don't actually know anything about aimbot, this was another statement based upon my observations and experiences.

    "I was just playing a round when Aaron and a couple of other players were talking about how they knew players who were even better, and I know a few myself."
    -You do? According to you, "I was banned for doing nothing else but owning people. I'm number 1 on Flem's, and number 2 on Squidward's". A little full of yourself, aren't you? Of course they may be reasoning for that.

    My point in stating my rank was to point out that at this point, I wish people would assume that I'm actually good and not to assume I'm cheating.

    "I hope when you see the videos, assuming he hasn't compiled some spliced bs or something that isnt me playing, you will put a stop to this, because its complete crap that I have to put up with this continuously."
    -Thats a GREAT DEFLECTION on your part to insinuate that I am somehow doctoring the footage to escape any wrongdoing before the evidence is presented. Are you an attorney?

    Have a great day![/quote]

    Post the videos here asap, its not fair to act like you have some strong evidence against me, which you can't have, because I don't cheat, and not allow me to refute it.
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:16 pm

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Saying that you have only seen one person hack is you just being ingornant. You say that you stats say that your accuracy is only 27-30 well people know how to maniuplate stats it's not that hard. You say that a bunch of people will go along with you saying you dont hack Mr. Happy himself has messaged me twice about you saying "ever speced taht deathsrto guy before".
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    Post Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:28 pm

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Maybe people are hacking constantly and I don't know, I'll give you that, because I don't know anything about it. I meant to simply explain my in game observations, but I shouldn't try to make generalizations about hacking, because I really have no idea.

    All I know is that I've been accused of hacking here constantly, and I don't, and every person who I've seen accused of hacking shows nothing in their game play to me that makes me think they hack. Just looking at the forums and talking to people in game, it would appear that Happy, Carnage, a member of a team that TKC is about to scrim, me, and Yobama have all been illegitimately banned for hacking here. Did those experiences(not including mine, because obviously you still think I'm a hacker) not create any hesitation to jump to accusations for some of you?

    I guess I should stop mentioning names of people who will vouch for my gameplay being legit. I assume people who are pretty good will be able to tell that I'm not hacking, and that is apparently wrong.

    I learned how to shoot a mag playing regular deathmatch on a server where you spawn with the magnum. I would suggest it to anyone who wants to get better at shooting, because deathmatch maps are generally small, and everyone is a target, so you're forced to learn how to take out a lot of people fast.

    Again, I want to see the demos. If they are actually of me playing, and you guys think that me just killing lots of people fast constitutes hacking, I don't know what to say to you. Again, I don't hack. You guys are seriously very wrong in this instance, and are being pretty messed up to me. I'm trying to be patient, but I'm beginning to lose hope that reason will prevail in this instance.
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    Post Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:04 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Sounds like Deathstro needs to go up against {MaX}Steell and see who get accused of hacking then.
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    Post Mon Dec 08, 2008 12:18 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Looks like it might have to be on a different server, but I accept all challenges, as opposed to trying to eliminate them so that I can look like I'm doing better in my small pond. The way I'm being treated is un-American, and a disgrace. I've put a lot(probably too much) time into developing my skill in this game, and I succeed here based on merit. I do well on every server I play on, and though I don't want to be banned from the TKC servers, I'll just go back to playing on my usual server where there are lots of people as good as me, and no one who isn't a noob thinks I hack.

    When I play, I usually am only seriously interested in the game if I'm playing with skilled players. It makes me happy to challenge myself, and lose/win to someone who plays at a high level. Apparently, that philosophy does not extend to all players. If you guys have said, "wow, you're good, will you give me some pointers?" there's definitely a few things I could've shared to help increase your players skill levels. Instead, I've been called a cheater pretty much constantly since I started playing here, and I have no interest in helping players like ballzack improve.

    I've been reading the valve forums, and it seems that if I was cheating as often as you guys are accusing me of, I would've received a VAC ban by now. At this point, I don't expect this, or anything else, to be considered.
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    Post Mon Dec 08, 2008 1:44 am

    Re: Banned, again, for "hacking"

    Deathstro, please stop being so dramatic. It's a game and being accussed of cheating isn't the end of the world.

    As far as your ban goes, you were unbanned so I think you can stop complaining now.

    To the admins, if this person is cheating I need to see a demo. I still haven't seen a single demo of this person so I'm assuming one will be uploaded soon.
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