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  • Problems with BROWNMAN




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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:38 am

    Problems with BROWNMAN

    Yes folks, it's time for a quick discussion about the everlasting conflict between right and wrong. Isotope Infinity here. Let me just start by saying I'm a big fan of Big Flem's and I attribute the majority of my FPS skill to being allowed to play on the server for the last two years. I've seen my brother banned for being sassing the wrong people (understandable considering the degree of sass), I've seen hackers, douchebags, stupidity and justice handed out fairly by the admins. There have been times where I banned myself when I let my mouth slip and uttered something like "shit" on the servers (when I had a mic). That might seem a little silly, but everything generally boils down to karma. Hell, I've even grown to respect Josh, as a player and as a person and we've been through a few trying times. Let me tell you, at the moment I'm a bit incensed by one of your admins, Brownman to be exact. He perma-banned me just the other day, because I asked him a question, and challenged what I thought to be rules of his making and not the rules that TKC has stood for in the time I have known you great guys (cheers Boo_Yah, PJ, Don Juan and Van Keizer).

    I know that TKC encourages and enforces polite play on their servers. I agree with this. I don't want the young kids around the house I live at now to hear curses coming out of my computer. My aunt would definitely not appreciate such profanity. So, let me get straight to the point. I have known Brownman for most of the time he has played on your server. He likes to say things like "Oh yah, stay down, you can't handle me." after he kills you. Now, this was never an issue to me, because Brownman is no Dark Pike or Bitey or Galabon. He may kill me once for every ten or fifteen times I kill him, and I was able to vent my frustration at being killed by saying typing things like, "poop", "this is stupid", I hate this game, etc. Oh yes, and one more, "Ghey" let me bring up the definition for everyone: leetifed form of 'Gay', meaning that a player is either overpowered or underpowered. You can find that definition on multiple dictionary sites online. I mean no disrespect by saying this but, but Brownman cannot tell the difference, because of his different nationality. He is not fluent in English, just as I am not fluent in Japanese, but know enough of it to get along. Now, if these words are bannable offenses now (and they Never have been before), then I understand and I will never type them again, but that's not even the reason Brownman banned me. I apologize for the length of this post, but it seems that with the advent of great games like Battle Field Bad Company 2, there are not very many admin veterans playing on big flems anymore.

    Brownman Perma-banned me, because I asked him how he became an admin. I had seen him zealously attack anything from made up curses that don't qualify as English to curses that a six-year-old would utter. This had never been the case before, and I wanted to know how he attained his admin priviledges. He said this, "You don't have the right to ask me that, and if you do I'll ban you." I told him I thought he was turning Big Flem's into something of a Totalitarian regime by creating rules that heretofore I had never witnessed in Big Flems. I told him I was going to talk to someone in TKC about him, and that I had a problem with him telling me I couldn't say things like stupid or ghey, and yet he could say things like "oh yah, sit down, you can't handle me (when that obviously isn't true and is an insult in many ways to my degree of skill). Though the things he would say to me weren't swears, they were just as offensive, and yet I wasn't allowed to even utter anything PG. I told him I'd shut up for now. One of the other people on the server got involved and said I had a point, and that we definitely had a disagreement. Brownman said there was no disagreement. I made the mistake of saying, "No, brownman, we definitely have a problem." He perma-banned me, he didn't kick me, he didn't give me any respect, he didn't ban me for a day, nor was he willing to look at it from my point of view. I tried to be polite and he attacked me, not only saying I had disrespected him, but that I had no RIGHT to ask a question. Only evil men in our history have forbid others from questioning. Because it is only by questioning, that the light of truth can finally shine through.

    In conclusion, I'd like to know how Brownman got his admin privileges, and why he has them, when he doesn't seem to possess the necessary faculties for higher reasoning and basic logic skills, and if I am totally in the wrong, then I would like to be unbanned and I will never utter a single curse, even one made up from the darkest depths of my imagination. All I want to do, is be able to enjoy a few games of DM every night, because my PS3 broke, but sometimes I can't help but stand up against injustice and zealotry.

    With All Due Respect Toward TKC,
    Isotope Infinity
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:08 am

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    well you're not the first with a problem...I like brownman, I think he's great, but I got a demo of another conversation that he had with a TKC candidate and basically told the guy that he has no right to try to remind another full TKC member of the rules. That I kind of disagree with, but hey, it's not my problem. That's between brownman and the candidate I am referring to.
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:26 am

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Brownman is a good guy who obeys the rules and puts countless hours of his own time making sure people arent breaking the rules.
    I've essentially been away from the game (all games) for 2 months now, so I don't know the circumstances.

    PS: If you got issues within the clan speak in the private forums... the last thing you want to do is split the clan apart ... yet again .. like what happened a few months ago.

    (Theres more to the stories of past members that people don't know)
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:51 am

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Apparently he only banned you ("BA-ISotope Infinity") for 4 hours which expired yesterday, unless he changed it. If you are right i don't really see a reason for a ban at all. The ban was for "Ignoring Admins". He has never Perm banned anybody.

    Brownman any comments why he was exactly banned?
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:33 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Monitor is right.. it is a 4 hour ban. Why did u think it was perm?
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:53 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    First i must say you are a liar because i never say to any body ("Oh yah, stay down, you can't handle me." ) the only thing i could say to some one is ( I got you ).
    I going to say again "You are a liar".
    Augustlikesgames wrote: I had seen him zealously attack anything from made up curses that don't qualify as English to curses that a six-year-old would utter

    Sec. i banned you for 4 hours and you know why.
    First, every time you are playing, you keep calling people by bad words like (Sl*t and Gay)
    http://tkc.clanservers.com/stats/hlstat ... 860&page=3
    2010-04-08 22:15:17 :SLUUUUT.
    since the day i asked you to stop, (because you keep going around of the filter)
    http://tkc.clanservers.com/stats/hlstat ... layer=6860
    2010-04-11 13:27:19 ghey.
    3 2010-04-11 13:27:14 ghey.
    3 2010-04-11 13:26:50 ghey.
    and today because i asked you to stop again you have decided to oppose every thing i said. You even asked me how come i am an admin ? And acted like you have no respect for any body when you are playing in our server even if there is a TKC member or an admin around.
    2010-04-11 13:26:50 ghey.
    2010-04-11 13:27:14 ghey.
    2010-04-11 13:27:19 ghey.
    2010-04-11 13:46:20 brownman how did you become an admin?.
    2010-04-11 13:47:00 one second.
    2010-04-11 13:47:18 yah brownman im asking you that.
    2010-04-11 13:47:24 because i dont understand why you are.
    when i told you : like or not i am an admin, your answer was ( Noooo )
    2010-04-11 17:50:01 noooo.
    When i asked some one to switch you told him ( Nooo )
    2010-04-11 18:01:12 nooooo.
    2010-04-11 18:01:36 brownman i got this.
    2010-04-11 18:01:42 siwtch to rebels
    and when your team mate called the other player s*cker and i told him ( your language please ), you are the one who told him that you can call some one like that if you want.
    When i asked you to stop, you told me that i was abusing (my power).

    Do you know some thing, after i banned you i had respect for you but not any more, not for a liar because a reall man is some one who is not going to lies to defend himself specially in that situation ( HLDM ). I hope you are not like that in normal life.
    For my english sorry if you know how do speak only english but not (frensh, spanish, creol, pengalan).
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 4:14 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Well "slut", "gay", "ghey" aren't really words we'll ban for. I'm not sure what word you meant here, "s*cker"? Only thing I can think is "sucker"? If so, that definitely isn't a bad word.

    Here is the problem I have, if an admin tells you to stop doing something, stop doing it. If you feel like it's unjust come here and post afterwards and we'll sort it out. But questioning the admin on the server is only going to lead to bad things. Brownman is an admin because he has proven he believes in the rules and enforcing those rules. He is on the server a lot and can help the clan manage Big Flem's HL2DM but in all honesty, our reasoning is none of your concern.

    Now I have said in this thread that those words are not a problem, so there should be no misunderstanding, but let me say this, if you abuse a word such as, "slut" by constantly using it to belittle someone, that IS against the rules. In other words, an occasional "slut" is not a problem, but you need to show respect to other players.

    Your ban has expired, you shouldn't have any more issues getting on the server but now that you are back, respect our rules and that includes respecting the admins.
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 5:06 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    agreed in full, guys. Let me just say brownman, in my post below I meant no disrespect towards you in any way, and I hope you didn't take offense with what I said. I only meant that I disagreed with what you had said to the candidate, and more than that, it's none of my business. You are a great admin, and I KNOW that you would not ban somebody without good reason to :icon_happy:
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    Post Tue Apr 13, 2010 9:44 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Iso has been a little heavy on the "ghey", but otherwise he hasnt been that big of a distraction. I dont think its a major problem.
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    Post Wed Apr 14, 2010 1:18 am

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    No disrespect to Iso or his brother Baxter, but just play the game and you will be treated fairly.
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    Post Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:57 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Yes "Sucker" was the word and there is some thing i'd like ISO to understand, when you are playing and an admin asks to stop doing some thing you must stop it if you don't agree with that (like T3 said : come here and type some words about it). :)
    (TKC)-o]T3[o wrote:
    Well "slut", "gay", "ghey" aren't really words we'll ban for. I'm not sure what word you meant here, "s*cker"? Only thing I can think is "sucker"? If so, that definitely isn't a bad word.
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    Post Wed Apr 14, 2010 10:59 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    It's ok with me brother. :)
    (TKC)TheCrimsonStar wrote:agreed in full, guys. Let me just say brownman, in my post below I meant no disrespect towards you in any way, and I hope you didn't take offense with what I said. I only meant that I disagreed with what you had said to the candidate, and more than that, it's none of my business. You are a great admin, and I KNOW that you would not ban somebody without good reason to :icon_happy:
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    Post Sat Apr 17, 2010 12:59 am

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Okee Dokee Iso... looks like you got your wish to be unbanned.

    NOW..... we will hold you to your words to..... "never to utter a curse, even one made up from the deepest depts of your imagination."

    I support B-Man 100% ... AND I also support all those who use and enjoy and use Flem's site. If useing a certain word on the site creats a problem... how about NOT USEING it again... (good idea)!! :) PJ's
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    Post Sat Apr 17, 2010 4:00 pm

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    Thanks PJ's. :)
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    Post Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:48 am

    Re: Problems with BROWNMAN

    I'm throwing my two cents into a thread that seems to be getting old, but I do got to say that I really enjoy playing with brownman and have never witnessed him abuse his admin powers. I also got to say that I have never heard him say any phrases quoted by ISO like "stay down" and others. My experiences have always been very much on the positive side when playing with brownman. On the other hand, I have witnessed ISO use "ghey" everytime I've had the chance to play with him, and while the word itself is not necessarily bad, one must keep in mind the context in which it is being used. This is when an admin has to make a judgment call and make a decision even if it's an unpopular one...Finally makeing statement like someone lacking "higher reasoning and basic logic skills" again another phrase in which context carries implied meaning, and we all know what that is... well, it just seems to be another personal attack towards brownman, a TKC admin.
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