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  • OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS




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    Post Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:07 pm

    OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS


    Somebody help me. I've been banned for using naughty language. I don't have a mic, which means I would have to type the naughtiness in. I don't remember typing it, but that could be because I'm such an amazing typist, that I didn't realize it was flowing from my god-like fingers. I'd just like to know when the ban is over and what exactly was said.

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    (TKC) brownman350

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    Post Fri Aug 13, 2010 9:58 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    i banned you for 8hrs because of your language at 1:20am, i think that you remember what you typed and it is not the first time that you are acting like that on the server, you were trying to TK a player he asked to stop(you never stop) but gave him a bad answer. :icon_eek:
    http://tkc.clanservers.com/stats/hlstat ... layer=6860

    Do you remember those times when you were calling people by bad names and i asked you to stop(it is not the first in the same month).
    http://tkc.clanservers.com/stats/hlstat ... 860&page=8
    http://tkc.clanservers.com/stats/hlstat ... 60&page=10
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    Last edited by (TKC) brownman350 on Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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    Post Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:04 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

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    Post Fri Aug 13, 2010 10:38 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    Brownman, the only thing I remember is you always being sort of a dick to me, of you being biased, unwilling to listen to other people's viewpoints, of you being a dick (I may have already mentioned that), of you abusing your power, of you being a dick (I really think I may have mentioned that already), oh and you completely disregarding any other viewpoint beside your own. If you were analogized into a governmental method it would be Totalitarianism.

    Brownman, every time something bad happens on big flems, you are somehow involved in it, and this is how it generally goes.

    Innocent Noob: Omg I'm sorry! I didn't know!


    And you just repeat that sentence invariably until you've banned the person. You know, I don't even mind playing with you, hell I didn't even realize you were in the game with me. I seriously thought it was some kind of error, because I've been getting disconnected frequently these last couple of weeks. Frankly, Brownman, I'm impressed that you've become an admin, that you can speak two languages, but I do think that you have a paranoia about being tricked in the English arena, and that's why you vehemently stick to your own opinion, irregardless of how illogical and childish it may be.

    No, this is not the first time we have clashed, you and I, but unlike you, I remember the other reasons you banned me, and it was never for foul language, it was for pointing out the illogics in your arguments. YOU'RE THE ONLY ADMIN I HAVE EVER DONE THAT WITH! DO YOU KNOW WHY? OMG GUESS WHY?! IT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ANYONE! All the other admins have mental faculties, and apparently penises large enough to grant them the ability to be humble!

    The way you compensate with your ego-centric, self-serving, illogical, backwater nonsense, points directly toward major insecurities. At least when Don Juan or Van Kiezer or T3 or Don't Hurt Me have banned me in the past, they have done so with good reason and with at least one warning to tell me to shut the **** up. Damn Brownman, I don't want to make an enemy of you, but you are one giant failure of an admin.

    So, I'm sorry for whatever bad language I used the other night, but I am not sorry for calling you out as the pig-headed (that means stubborn) a**hole that you really are. I look forward to either being perma-banned by you, or kicking your newbish *** all around big flems like I've been doing for the last 2 years.

    August Alba

    P.S. Brownman, you're a jerk and the only bad admin tkc has ever known (besides that time when eyerock snapped).
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    Post Sat Aug 14, 2010 1:03 am

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    I don't think brownman was wrong in banning you August. Serve your sentence gracefully please. Plus, it was only for 8 hours. Also, please watch your language on the forum's, the same rules apply here.
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    Post Sat Aug 14, 2010 2:04 am

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    First off, I don't know you, but dude, you've made 2 mistakes here. #1, using foul language in-game. the chat log proves it. EVERYTHING you ever type is logged. The rules are smack in your face when you enter the server, so this "at least the other admins gave me warning" crap isn't gonna fly here. The rules ARE your warning, and I'm 500% sure that Brownman DID give you PLENTY of warning because EVERY time I'm in a game with him and someone is breaking the rules, he usually warns them like 3 or 4 times before taking action. #2, the admins you put so highly on a pedestal from your post (no disrespect to these guys, you rock :icon_mrgreen: ) (T3, Van Keizer, Don't Hurt Me, and Don Juan), yeah...they kinda VOTED Brownman to be an admin, so they thought he was a very good candidate for admin, and frankly, in my opinion he is one of the best admins we have because he doesn't "ban people for no reason" like you said. He finds proof (not just evidence or accusations) that someone did something wrong, then hands out a justified ban/kick, and he NEVER bans anybody just because he feels like it.

    Also, calling Brownman all those names is not gonna help your ban any at all. I would have extended your ban by at least 4 days to a week if you had come in here and started cussing me out and disrespecting me if I was an admin. That's also another rule. "No disrespecting TKC admins." Fail on your part. Broken 3 rules so far, and you only got an 8 hour ban. Sounds like Brownman is giving you some grace here before he slaps a longer ban on you if you act up again. I learned back in 2nd grade that calling people names is immature and doesn't get you anywhere and doesn't make you seem "cool." Use this 8 hour ban time (Now expired, and I'm still laughing because you're complaining over an 8 hour ban) to grow up and learn some respect.

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    Post Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:29 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    Thanks guys for your support and Crim. bro. after your post there is nothing more to say, thank you brother. :)
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    Post Sat Aug 14, 2010 3:32 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    (TKC) brownman350 wrote:Thanks guys for your support and Crim. bro. after your post there is nothing more to say, thank you brother. :)

    No problem :icon_happy:
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    Post Mon Aug 16, 2010 10:52 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    isotope-Infinity wrote:Brownman, the only thing I remember is you always being sort of a dick to me, of you being biased, unwilling to listen to other people's viewpoints, of you being a dick (I may have already mentioned that), of you abusing your power, of you being a dick (I really think I may have mentioned that already), oh and you completely disregarding any other viewpoint beside your own. If you were analogized into a governmental method it would be Totalitarianism.

    Brownman, every time something bad happens on big flems, you are somehow involved in it, and this is how it generally goes.

    Innocent Noob: Omg I'm sorry! I didn't know!


    And you just repeat that sentence invariably until you've banned the person. You know, I don't even mind playing with you, hell I didn't even realize you were in the game with me. I seriously thought it was some kind of error, because I've been getting disconnected frequently these last couple of weeks. Frankly, Brownman, I'm impressed that you've become an admin, that you can speak two languages, but I do think that you have a paranoia about being tricked in the English arena, and that's why you vehemently stick to your own opinion, irregardless of how illogical and childish it may be.

    No, this is not the first time we have clashed, you and I, but unlike you, I remember the other reasons you banned me, and it was never for foul language, it was for pointing out the illogics in your arguments. YOU'RE THE ONLY ADMIN I HAVE EVER DONE THAT WITH! DO YOU KNOW WHY? OMG GUESS WHY?! IT'S BECAUSE YOU DON'T LISTEN TO ANYONE! All the other admins have mental faculties, and apparently penises large enough to grant them the ability to be humble!

    The way you compensate with your ego-centric, self-serving, illogical, backwater nonsense, points directly toward major insecurities. At least when Don Juan or Van Kiezer or T3 or Don't Hurt Me have banned me in the past, they have done so with good reason and with at least one warning to tell me to shut the **** up. Damn Brownman, I don't want to make an enemy of you, but you are one giant failure of an admin.

    So, I'm sorry for whatever bad language I used the other night, but I am not sorry for calling you out as the pig-headed (that means stubborn) a**hole that you really are. I look forward to either being perma-banned by you, or kicking your newbish *** all around big flems like I've been doing for the last 2 years.

    August Alba

    P.S. Brownman, you're a jerk and the only bad admin tkc has ever known (besides that time when eyerock snapped).

    I totally agree with you (although you could have said it in a nicer way). And i also laughed a little throughout reading that post. There are other ways to talk to people though. But this way brought your point across regardless.

    Also, inb4lock

    EDIT: But then again, i rarely play the game. So what does it matter
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    Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:39 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    Meh, calling him all those names certainly helped my feelings of angst toward him. I'm glad Bryster laughed at least. Plus, it doesn't really matter how I feel about Brownman, because I don't know where he lives, so I can't blow up his house :((( saaaaaad face. Also, when my new computer comes in, I'll just be playing Star Craft 2 and Bad Company, so I won't have to deal with him.
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    Post Tue Sep 07, 2010 11:53 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    isotope-Infinity wrote:Meh, calling him all those names certainly helped my feelings of angst toward him. I'm glad Bryster laughed at least. Plus, it doesn't really matter how I feel about Brownman, because I don't know where he lives, so I can't blow up his house :((( saaaaaad face. Also, when my new computer comes in, I'll just be playing Star Craft 2 and Bad Company, so I won't have to deal with him.

    nahhhhhh I have a feeling you might, and if you don't, then you'll be dealing with T3 and King if you so choose to play on any of our 4 BC2 servers. They don't tolerate half of the crap that some of the other admins put up with.

    (and by the way, yes your ban was for teamkilling me, and is most likely the only reason you showed back up on these forums.)
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    Post Wed Sep 08, 2010 12:11 am

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    Yes it's the only reason. :)
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    Post Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:10 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    I would just like to point out that "irregardless" is NOT a word.
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    Post Thu Sep 09, 2010 9:29 pm

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    (TKC)-o]T3[o wrote:I would just like to point out that "irregardless" is NOT a word.

    You could call it a "made up" word that people who don't have good grammar use.
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    Post Fri Sep 10, 2010 4:10 am

    Re: OMG OMG OMG...I've been banned from the FLEMS

    (TKC)TheCrimsonStar wrote:You could call it a "made up" word that people who don't have good grammar use.

    Actually, if you pay attention, you will hear smart people using that made up word. It's just a trap that some people who aren't particular about their grammar will fall into.
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