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  • Banned by eyerock




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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 2:55 am

    Banned by eyerock

    Ok, so I'm playing in TKC Squidward's Boom Boom Room and there was 2 people under the name "Slevin" and "Gobbles" 1st Slevin drops from base ladder and headshot's me when he could have no idea i was camping the bottom and then Gobbles headshot's with a mag through the meddle box on orb tower theres no way any player could do those things no matter how skilled they are so i claim both of them to be hacker's here is what i said "{KoD} Mailman: ffs Slevin and Gobbles turn off the wallhack" then that was the only thing posted from me and then 5 mins later it says this Disconnected: General Exploit of Game/Map/Server So i go to source bans to try to find out why i was banned and what it said there that i was banned for a week for claiming Slevin and Gobbles to be hackers only 1 post from me saying they were hackers and i get banned for a week i deserve a unban if a main admin can please talk to me about this it would be helpful i love TKC servers and if this eyerock doesn't quit abusing admin and banning me for a week for no reason i just will quit playing at TKC this is nonsense :icon_unhappy:

    Thanks, Mailman
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 3:15 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    Well i'm sure there must of been more to this to get banned for a week. I will await eyerocks response before I say more.
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 3:42 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    No, T3 there was no more of a reason i have 2 witness's you can ask that he banned me for a week for no reason just calling 2 people hackers with only 1 post and i got banned for a week There names are "Cannon" and "(TKC) Vidar" this is truly nonsense :icon_sad:

    Thanks, Mailman
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 3:50 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    Just the same, I'll wait for the admin to explain what happened.
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 3:55 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    Vidar and Cannon said you would be the best admin to talk to about eyerock abusing admin like that anyways as soon as you hear from him check back with me please

    Thanks, Mailman
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 5:10 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    I don't even know who Cannon is, but i'm glad he has a high opinion of me. ;)
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 6:59 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock


    Josh, this kind of post needs to be handled in the server admin forum not in the public forum.
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 7:57 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    So T3 have you heard from eyerock yet i really would like to play in TKC servers but beings a admin abused there power i can't :icon_mad: Not that i mean to annoy you but before you take eyerock's advice talk to vidar and if you see cannon playing on squids talk to him to because i did not do nothing wrong and i got banned for a week vidar will tell you i didn't so please talk to eyerock and vidar ASAP

    Thanks, Mailman
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    Post Wed May 06, 2009 8:15 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    eyerock and myself are both grown adults who have to work, so if he's at work, he isn't available to deal with this. I just happen to have access to a computer.
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    Post Thu May 07, 2009 2:26 am

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    So, T3 Eyerock is on now can you please talk to him and ask him why he abused his admin and banned me for a week for no reason i haven't been able to play on squids for already a day for no reason as i said before i don't mean to annoy but I'm kinda impatient when it comes to something like this being banned for absolutely no reason

    Thanks, Mailman
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    Post Thu May 07, 2009 10:25 pm

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    Heres the short end of it .. Every time one of the players comes in the server and mailman/ Mr. Hanky showes up the crap begins and If Cannon / Jerk Mcduff shows and one of the other spoken about players are not there the craps begins toward the admin Me .. its kinda like the guy josh banned for one week for stalking him ... this has gone on for quite some time now .. I in the past with just warning someone have been acused of admin abuse and have done nothing at all to the player .... Do your week and come back and have some respect. for all players..

    Here is the Last thing i have to say to you Mailman and your kind ... come to all of TKC servers Play and have fun... also remeember to leave the SMACK at the Door before you enter.. have some respect for all players....

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    Post Sat May 09, 2009 2:14 am

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    Well sorry if i annoyed you EyeRock i do have respect for all players but some i believe are hacking and i arent afraid to say it there are alot of hacks that can not be detected so you really never know if it's "Skill" or "Hacking" anyways i want post again no matter what your response is but if i promise to not annoy you or any other admin and not call any players hackers anymore can you please forgive me and unban me no matter what the response is i wont post again but please think about it eyerock and I'm truly sorry
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    Post Sat May 09, 2009 6:07 am

    Re: Banned by eyerock

    Wow this sounds like what we hear every time we ban someone.
    I agree with Eyerock, all of us need to play and have a great time while we are enjoying the company of other players.
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