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  • Banned for no reason




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    Post Mon Nov 09, 2009 1:38 am

    Banned for no reason

    A couple weeks ago or so I got banned from TKC servers while under the name hot dog fingers. I joined to find player burythesun on the mic yelling hacker accusations and soon, became accused myself.
    While stating I wasn't a hacker a few times over the mic along with whoever else was stating they weren't either, admin Eyerock took the liberty to ban me for 12 months. I spoke to another admin about it and he says that Eyerock claims i was disruptive, yet he wasnt there himself and if he was there, he would see that burythesun was much more disruptive shouting accusations and swearing. If I was being disruptive I apologize I was not aware and the only person that seemed to have a problem with me was burythesun. 12 months is a pretty hefty ban with no reason or warning.

    Also, today on another account i joined as "wooshy wooshy" and entered base. Fishhead was in front of me and called out my name on the mic so i did it in return. Eyerock then yelled at me told me to leave and get another account because he was going to ban me againand everytime he saw me. I left the server shortly and now im banned for 12 months.

    I don't know why Eyerock has a problem with me, he complains of me disrupting the servers except when im playing not one person has a problem with me except for Eyerock.

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    Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 6:32 pm

    Re: Banned for no reason

    yeah i don't know what this guy is saying. If a TKC member could look into this and get back to me that would be great. Also if you wanted to discuss this off the forums then i'm fine with that.

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    (TKC) Slevin

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    Post Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:40 pm

    Re: Banned for no reason

    Sorry no ones responded to this, but you will have to talk to the admin who banned you. Send them a pm or wait for them to respond on the forums.
    Your Welcome, I cant do much since I'm not an admin but it seems people have noticed this thread now.
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    Last edited by (TKC) Slevin on Sun Nov 15, 2009 5:55 am, edited 1 time in total.



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    Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 12:39 am

    Re: Banned for no reason

    Alright Slevin, sounds good. thanks

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    Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 2:42 am

    Re: Banned for no reason

    Just wondering were we are with this? i see no post by eyerock to get his side of the story, i always liked gaming with you Roland and i hate to see you with such a long ban but I wasn't there and eyerock was both times so if anything can be done about your ban eyerock needs to be the one to do it. maybe if you both talk you two can come up with some kind of idea that suites you both.
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    Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:11 am

    Re: Banned for no reason

    I just PM'ed Eyerock a few hours ago so I don't know how often he checks it but if you could let him know that I sent him a message on here then that would be greatly appreciated. Hope to be playing with you guys soon.

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    Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 3:35 am

    Re: Banned for no reason

    Not to step over Eyerock here, but a week without a response, something needs to be done. Roland, for the time being I've shortened your ban to 3 weeks, which means you are no longer banned. This is, however, temporary pending Eyerock's reason for banning you.
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    Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:30 pm

    Re: Banned for no reason

    DonJuan wrote:Not to step over Eyerock here, but a week without a response, something needs to be done. Roland, for the time being I've shortened your ban to 3 weeks, which means you are no longer banned. This is, however, temporary pending Eyerock's reason for banning you.

    But U did
    The reason he was banned again is ... If we all just went out and got a free second third forth fith sixth and so on account witch you can do if you have a ATi or Nvidia card... Then what good would it do to Ban anyone ...
    I also have had no issues with him when He is playing alone with out his buds from KoD... and until his second account was cought up tow he never made any complaints about being banned ....
    So I have to Justfiy why I banned someone just bacause you dont have any problems with him Don ... U ban PPl all the time that I have no problem with... Do I go and un ban them until now I dont belive I saw this post... And I am supprised that he was un banned because u dont have a problem with him.... He was not banned because of who he Is KoD roland... he was banned because of then problems he was causing with his KoD buds.... that By the way are not using there accounts that have been bannned or the names that were banned in the past by other admin not just me ....
    You know in the past anyone who has PM IM or emailed me about a ban that was placed on them by Me ... 100% of the time i have lifted the ban..and FYI until today I have never heard a word from this Person. In my mail about there ban..
    I didnt know that with a new leader we were going to have our bans removed by some one new to the clan and new as a leader just bacause that person has n0t had any problems with them.....and so u un ban him until you hear from me ????????????WTF don I know you have seen me playing and not one time have you said anything to me about any bans or unbans you were going to be making again JUST BECAUSE YOU DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH HIM :icon_sosad:
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    Post Sun Nov 15, 2009 6:35 pm

    Re: Banned for no reason

    I am moving this discussion into the private forums..
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