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  • EM EL GEE H@x0R!


    Yall are jokes


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    Post Sun Dec 02, 2018 8:20 am

    EM EL GEE H@x0R!






    Don't worry I don't expect you to come back with some common sense and I expect you to be cowards and ban me from this site. (I mean not like this forum site is exactly a hot spot to begin with.)
    All I ask is please relieve the 12 year olds of their bad/madmin status and powers.
    Never been Battle eye banned and never will be unless they start disliking Firefox or some shit.
    Thanks for the amusement and compliments, I never knew I'd join a server for the first time and receive such a warm welcome. lol

    Pls uninstall.
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    Yall are jokes


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    Post Sun Dec 02, 2018 8:25 am

    Re: EM EL GEE H@x0R!


    Also I like how even in game some of you lied about how "high" shit like my K/H ratio is.
    Oh look! My accuracy at an average/mediocre of 19.95% (LOOK AT DAT GOD TIER ACCURACY!) ------------------ NOT 146%, you fucking retards

    Low IQ cretins can't even get the information right that is readily available in front of them.

    Please, go drink bleach. And don't breed.
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    Post Sun Dec 02, 2018 7:49 pm

    Re: EM EL GEE H@x0R!

    You weren't banned, you were kicked based upon your K/D ratio. No admin accused you of cheating. Only 1 TKC member was on the server at the time and he was the admin. Kicks usually last about 10 minutes and then you can get back on the server. It's a reminder that the server is a noob friendly server and to watch your K/D. Please refrain from using insults in the future, they aren't necessary, and they certainly don't help your case.
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    Yall are jokes


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    Post Sun Dec 02, 2018 11:45 pm

    Re: EM EL GEE H@x0R!

    Oh ok, so was Achilles kicked (the guy saying I was hacking) that got a 1.94 K/D was he kicked? I was unaware of how fucking god like a 1.64 K/D in one round was. Do I have to be negative in order to stay? Is that it? Am I only allowed to break even or go negative? Lol the logic here...

    I'm sorry (not sorry) I don't coddle or condone stupidity. I'm not going to be "nice" to it. I'm not an SJW.
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    Post Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:40 am

    Re: EM EL GEE H@x0R!

    The kick was an auto kick from a server plugin. No admin singled you out.

    Honestly it was explained to you and instead of saying, 'oh my bad' and going on your way, you continue with the insults so, now you will be banned for being a douche. Bye douche.
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    Post Mon Dec 03, 2018 4:56 am

    Re: EM EL GEE H@x0R!

    Yall are jokes wrote:Oh ok, so was Achilles kicked (the guy saying I was hacking) that got a 1.94 K/D was he kicked? I was unaware of how fucking god like a 1.64 K/D in one round was. Do I have to be negative in order to stay? Is that it? Am I only allowed to break even or go negative? Lol the logic here...

    I'm sorry (not sorry) I don't coddle or condone stupidity. I'm not going to be "nice" to it. I'm not an SJW.

    Sorry Mate, you sound like you just have anger issues. You should probably seek some professional help. You don't have to have a negative K/D, I'm not exactly sure why you were kicked, I just went off of the video that you posted, and clearly on the bottom it said K/D. I will ask the admin that was on why exactly he kicked you. But my guess is you were being as toxic on the server are you have been here. But, not to worry, you don't have to be concerned with it any longer.
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